

Canford Cliffs Land Society is an industrial and provident society registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. It exists to protect and enforce the covenants on the Canford Cliffs Estate in Poole, Dorset. The Estate comprises all the properties bounded by Spencer Road to the north, Ravine Road to the east, Cliff Drive to the south and the relevant sections of Canford Cliffs Road/Haven Road to the west. Owners of freehold properties within the Estate are eligible to become members of the Society on payment of a small annual fee.

The Society funds a number of activities within Canford Cliffs. These include the annual provision of Christmas lights in the Village, support for the Village Hall, organisation of flower displays in the Village, provision of a play park on Cliff Drive and refurbishment of the zig-zag path down to the Promenade. We also make regular ad hoc cash donations to various local charities.

For enquiries about covenants on properties within the Estate please see under Contact